Via Aurages you can creative and passionate graphic designer specializing in unique visuals that captivate and communicate. Dedicated to delivering impactful designs tailored to your brand’s vision.
Running a business can be challenging, so to help we offer a FREE website builder§ with
FREE stock images and FREE email with every domain name.
Benefits of the Cloud + Simplicity of Shared Hosting
Designed for Uninterrupted
Maximum Uptime &
Resilience and Redundancy
at All Levels
Choose from over 70 free one-click installs including popular bolgging and content management systems like WordPress, joomla!, and Drupal; e-commerce solutions such as osCommerce, OpenCart and PrestaShop; and a huge variety of other popular software titles including phpBB, Open Web Analytics, and Moodle. All these and more are available as standard with our Home Pro and Business Pro packages.
SEE OUR ONE-CLICK APPSAn SSL certificate creates a secure tunnel through which information including usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and more can pass safely.
Get it outOur knowledeable support experts are on hand to help right from the get go. With free site migrations, friendly concierge assistancs and 24x7 ongoing support - you'll have all the help you need whenever you need it.
Choose form a wide range of domain extensions like .com, .in, and many mores
We provide the best hosting at the most affordable prices in market
Learn how to setup your website from our large knowledge base
Interactively redefine economically sound services whereas
Begin by purchasing the right SSL certificate for your needs. Choose from the three types host and web listed .
Begin by purchasing the right SSL certificate for your needs. Choose from the three types host and web listed .
Begin by purchasing the right SSL certificate for your needs. Choose from the three types host and web listed .